Friday, May 7, 2010


I woke today and was meditating on Grace. The Grace of God in our lives has at least five aspects to it. Each one is so precious so I thought I would summarize them to help me and perhaps you remember what Jesus has done, what He is doing and what He will do for us and others who call on Him - by His grace.


The First Work of Grace - Salvation

The First Work of Grace is Salvation. It is the first step in Christian Victory. It is the indwelling of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit within our spirit. We are "Born Again." It comes by our response to God's invitation to redeem us from our sin and to dwell with us as our Saviour. It is accomplished not by our works but by the sinless life of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection.

The Second Work of Grace - Justification

The Third Work of Grace is Justification. It cleanses us from the acts of sin. It makes us "Just As If I'd Never Sinned." It is the work of the Blood of Jesus to take away the stain of sin. It comes by confession of our sins and a willingness to walk in truth.

The Third Work of Grace – The Baptism of Jesus in the Holy Spirit

The Second Work of Grace is the Baptism of Jesus in the Holy Spirit. This is the release of the Holy Spirit in our lives to do the work of Jesus. It often comes with supernatural gifts but its primary "first evidence" is the power to witness to the resurrection of Jesus. It comes by yielding to Jesus our whole self to His Lordship.

The Fourth Work of Grace - Sanctification (Made Holy)

The Fourth Work of Grace is Sanctification. The word means to make us Holy set apart. It is the focus of Jesus on our inward character to conform it to the likeness of Jesus Christ. It comes as we identify with His death as the death of our self centered nature. We reckon ourselves dead to sin. Then we reckon ourselves raised with Jesus in His likeness. It is His life within us that does the works of righteousness. Christ in us the Hope of Glory!

The Fifth Work of Grace - Glorification

The Fifth Work of Grace is Glorification. This is the final event of Grace since it is the end of our earthly pilgrimage. When we die or when Jesus returns (if we are alive at that time)we will be glorified with a new body. We will reflect His eternal likeness. We will behold His face forever and like Moses on Mount Sinai we shall be transformed fully into His glorious likeness!

1 comment:

Obviously_Chaos said...

This is a great meditation. Thank you Papa. Isn't it great how the church has flourished every time it returned to simple theology.