Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Cloud and The Nations

Numbers 14:13 But Moses said to the LORD, "Then the Egyptians will hear of it, for by Your strength You brought up this people from their midst, 14 and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land. They have heard that You, O LORD, are in the midst of this people, for You, O LORD, are seen eye to eye, while Your cloud stands over them; and You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night.

We often think of God's guidance in a rather self centered way. We tend to think that it is primarily for us that He leads us. This portion of my reading today tells us that those who watch our lives have an opportunity to see God's reality being worked out in our lives. This is vital to our understanding of our witness. God is manifesting His plan through us not just to help us but to reveal Himself and to bring honor to Him.

The nations who spied on the Israelites saw a sight that must have made them wonder. In the middle of their camp was this strange pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. It was clear that something unusual was happening. The Egyptians had seen the powerful protection that cloud brought to Israel. They also knew it was God. They communicated this to all the nations. They saw the cloud and knew that the same God that had done so many mighty acts in Egypt was still with them.

For us today this surely means that the mighty acts that God does in our lives are not just to bless us. I believe this is why so many do not understand why some have miraculous demonstrations of God's power in their lives and others do not. It is because God is seeking to do something far beyond us. It is not just a personal issue. It is for every other person that will be connected to our lives.

I also believe that when we begin to see our lives as God's showcase we will be better prepared to face adversity. Like Israel, some will have miraculous interventions that show His power. Others will have His presence to take them through trouble. The Cloud for us is not only the miraculous provision but the sustaining power to walk us through the darkest times. When the Egyptians caught up with Israel at the Sea of Reeds the Cloud provided light for Israel to cross but all the Egyptians saw was darkness.

Exodus 14:19 Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, 20 coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long.

When those who do not yet trust our God watch us go through deep valleys with the grace of God on our lives it points them to God's reality. All the people who watch see is the darkness. We see His light. His reality in our lives then becomes an invitation for others to find their way to Him and out of their darkness.

So the thought that grips my heart today is that the Cloud of our God's presence as it rests on our lives as it did over the camp of Israel will not only be there for us but for everyone who shares this life with us.

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